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eUML2 Studio 적립금

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eUML2 Studio 기본 정보
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제휴 적립금 네이버 마일리지 적립  
제조사 Soyatec
상품코드 P0000ELX


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eUML2 Studio is a powerful set of tools developed from scratch for Eclipse. These tools are designed specially for developers to put UML in action at the development level: ensure the software quality and reduce the development time.

Brief Architecture

eUML2 is built on top of the UML2 framework of Eclipse as the UML metamodel, which is in fact the best open source implementation of the latest UML2.1 specification. Particuliarly, this version supports the OMG XMI storage format, which allows the model exchange with other UML metamodels.

Recently the eUML2 studio edition has been split into four products:

  • eUML2 Modeler adds modeling capabilities to Eclipse: Class and sequence diagrams help developpers to design their code.
  • eDepend is an advanced dependency viewer: developpers can get an overview of the dependencies of their code and track unwanted dependencies.
  • eEMF Modeler enables the design of EMF models in an easy way.
  • eDatabase also known as eclipseDatabase is a general Database Eclipse toolsets. You can use the database diagram editor to create diagrams and their dependencies relationships.


This project is a spin off from EclipseUML: in 2002 this UML solution for Eclipse who was the first UML plugin in Eclipse based on the EMF, GEF and UML2 frameworks. The original product was used world-wide by more than 200 000 users. The founder of Soyatec was the co-founder and the CTO of Omondo, he designed and realized the main infrastructure of this product. He left this company with a shared copyright on May 2006, the whole R&D team followed him to take up the challenge. Mid 2006 the first version of eUML2 and eBPMN were released.

eUML2 comes in two flavours: eUML2 Free Edition gathers all basic features needed by java developpers and is free of use (even for commercial purposes). eUML2 Studio Edition is an extension of the Free Edition with new and improved features.

The Studio Edition is now composed of four tools:

The following table sums up the main features of the available products :

(click on features or product names to get details)
Studio Edition
eDepend eEMF
Main features
Class/Package diagram editor
Sequence diagram editor
Sequence diagram generation
Ecore diagram editor
Class/Package dependency explorer
Projects/plugins dependency explorer
Advanced dependency analysis tools
Database diagram
Database tools
JDK 1.5 features support
Enumeration, Generic types, ...
Advanced reverse engineering
Real-time code/model synchronization
Model Import/Export
Support of OMG XMI format
Usage of UML profiles
Diagram features
Diagram export in PNG, JPG, and SVG
Outline view
Color preferences
Modeling assistants
Miscellaneous tools
Team support (CVS, SVN, VSS, etc...)
JDT templates for code generations
Customization of templates for code generations


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교환 및 반품 정보

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