WPF Controls for Line of Business Application User Interfaces with Office 2010 Style

The release of Microsoft® Office® 2010 elevates user expectations of your WPF line of business applications, but we deliver what you need with Office® 2010 styling and scheduling, ExcelML file support, and more! State-of-the-art functionality and blazing fast, high performance in our xamDataGrid™ empower your WPF applications to handle real-time scenarios and those with massive amounts of data. Your applications will start well ahead of the competition with NetAdvantage® for WPF Line of Business controls.

Built on our Unified XAML Product Strategy (a shared API across WPF and Silverlight that will help you go-to-market with lightning speed), we've recently introduced xamDataTree™ for data binding to large hierarchical data sources and a full-featured, Outlook® 2010-style scheduling control suite in xamSchedule™. Whether you need to data bind millions of records with the rendering speed to show the first screen in milliseconds, or the stunning visual effects and support for WPF 4 and its Visual State Manager, our WPF controls take care of presenting your information with power, clarity, and motion.

We empower you to take advantage of both the WPF and Silverlight platform's potential—both in XAML and in code.